I hate to admit this, but last year was my first time at ZooLights and this year was my first time going to see the National Christmas Tree. SO bad, right?! This is my NINTH Christmas season here in D.C., so the fact that it took me so long to take advantage of both of these long-standing traditions is kind of insane.
The weather here, thanks be to God, has been pretty mild. I always think I like cold weather when I’m not in fact experiencing cold weather. My first time at ZooLight last year was FREEZING, and I remember relishing in the time I spend in the Small Mammals House.
Anyway, this year was quite lovely. Jim and I left Montgomery County around 4 PM, so we would have time to park and walk to the Zoo before the sun set. One advantage of the insanely early sunsets is that you can go to ZooLights pretty early.
There are a few stands where you can but kits to make your own s’mores, so we (obviously) took advantage of it. Kits are $8.45, but there’s enough to make two s’mores. Yummm.
That, friends, is how it’s done.
After checking out the lights for a bit, we stopped in the Small Mammals and Reptile houses. They’re indoor (obviously), so it was nice to inside for a bit, even if the weather outside wasn’t miserable.
Isn’t this guy cool? He’s a “snake neck” turtle.
After ZooLights, we ventured over to the National Christmas Tree, right outside the White House. I hate that I’d never been before.. It was so cool, and definitely worth seeing!
Each state has a Christmas tree. Typically they’re decorated by local artists, high school art classes or Girl Scout troops. This was Ohio’s. Not the best, but still cute.
It’s so cool living here….
These pictures don’t even kind of give The White House justice. It looks incredible from outside, and I would dieee seeing it in the inside. Have you seen the photos? AMAZING!
Woohoo! It’s a good time to be a DC person, and I love that both of these activities are free. Enjoy this little holiday tradition this weekend!