I’ve been debating over whether or not to write this for a long time. Many bloggers I follow and love have become very vocal with their political stances and unfortunately, I have yet to see one that aligns with my viewpoint. I know I’m not alone. I also know that there are several bloggers that I follow who have not said anything political because they’re on the more conservative side and are afraid. It’s socially acceptable to be liberal. It’s not at all socially acceptable to be conservative.
Being afraid makes sense… Conservatives, especially conservative women, have been villainized in modern society. While I certainly am not out to ruffle any feathers, I do want to draw attention to the fact that, while some may give us a bad name, the vast majority of us are good, friendly people who just want to be loved as we are.
Today I want to discuss why I am still a conservative and will always be. If you disagree with me, that’s OK! I just ask that you be kind in any commenting. The balance of powers is what makes our country great so keep that in mind.

I love this country, what it is and what it stands for.
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
My (grand) Papa fought in World War II and was the most patriotic person I ever met. He died in June 2001, and my family is eternally grateful that he did not have to see the horrors of September 11 of that year. He fought for a democratic, free enterprise society and would be disgusted that people are literally proposing socialism today. That is not who we are. People come here from other countries because they want something different. Sure, there are plenty of civilized societies that are indeed socialist but that’s not what the “American Experiment” is. Our Founding Fathers wanted something drastically different and their influence began the period of time in which having elected officials (as opposed to monarchs) was the norm. While they certainly did try, the European countries have never and will never be us. We’re special and we need to preserve who we are.
President Ronald Reagan famously said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the Government and I’m here to help.'” A government that is big enough to give you everything you need is also powerful enough to take away all you have. Some things are the government’s responsibility.. Most are not because when they muddle in too much, we start to lose our freedom.
I don’t believe in the cancel culture and want to actively fight against it.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
We have a problem, friends. The fact that my heart is literally racing as I type this, afraid that you’ll contact my hosting company or call this hate speech is terrifying to me. This shouldn’t be an issue. We should celebrate our differences, not destroy the careers and livelihoods of people with whom we disagree. I am blessed to have a fantastic boss who I know won’t fire me for posting this, but I don’t know that that would have always been the case. In today’s society, disagreement is misconstrued as hate and it desperately needs to stop.

I don’t believe myself to be a victim.
One stance of the Democrat party, at least from my perspective, is that they tell people (especially in marginalized or minority groups) how hard off they are and that they should rely on the government to solve all their problems. I have news for you, friends. While some people certainly have reason to have a victim mentality, those who embrace it never win at life. Rather than blame society/the government/student loans/your crappy house/your mean boss stop whining and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
I believe in the dignity of every single human life.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Life is a beautiful thing, whether it be a teeny baby in the womb, a child at the U.S. border, a baby boomer with Covid or an elderly person on his last days in the hospital. While the talking points have said otherwise, I believe Republican policy for the most part has been best for all of the people I mentioned. The “children in cages” talking point was very strategic and compelling and frankly, I didn’t like the Trump policies on that either. I also know that illegal immigration is not a black and white issue. There are so many problems in Latin countries that people feel as though they have no choice but to flee. I don’t know the answer to this, but I do know that there needs to be some incentive or strong hand to get Mexico, Honduras and other crime-ridden countries to get their acts together.

I know the economy is very important
Covid is a mess and President Trump was attacked for “caring more about the economy than he did for people.” I’m not going to go in to detail about what I think of Covid, but I do know this–as someone who comes from a family that owns restaurants, it would have caused MAJOR mental distress to my parents and me to have “lost the farm.” There’s a dignifying nature to work and earning an honest dollar. To me, few things beat a day of hard work, knowing that I contributed to my company and earned a comfortable, honest income for myself. Having people working not only helps us as a society, but a strong economy makes for a stronger future. While many people reading this might not be thinking too much about retirement, TRUST me when I say that a strong economy might bring an earned retirement closer to you than you might have expected.
Donald Trump’s Policies Align Mostly With My Viewpoints
One thing that often makes me chuckle is when people take the most outlandish things President Trump has said (and there have been many…) and say, “Well, Brittany, what about when he said _______?” I never voted for the dude because I thought he’d make a great, friendly penpal. I voted for him and will again because he’s a brilliant businessman who puts America first. The investments I’ve made are doing amazing because of his policies. The tax breaks have been awesome. Do I agree with every, single thing he said and every single policy of his? Absolutely not. Does most of what he’s done policy-wise align with what I think (and know) is best for our country? Yes. And that’s why he gets my vote.

Joe Biden is an empty suit and Kamala Harris is an extremist.
I don’t want to harp on this too much because I really want to highlight why I’m voting FOR someone rather than why I’m voting AGAINST someone. Our economy was in the worst shape is had been under Obama and Biden is looking to replicate many of his policies. Speaking from experience, I personally know several business owners who could not get people to work when Obama was president. Why? The regulations for disability and welfare were so lax that even very able-bodied people skirted the system and refused to work. Because of Biden’s age, it is likely that Harris would take over at some point in his presidency. Just look at her voting record. Despite what the media is lying to you, a moderate she is not. At all.
I hope this shed some light on conservatives and my own viewpoint. See? We’re not so bad! Thanks for taking the time to read this and have a great weekend!

Thank you for sharing your view points. Though I don’t agree with everything you have stated I do understand that our identities, culture as well as lived and living experiences shape our perspectives. Two take aways from my perspective I’d like to leave you with… Life is very different in this country for black people than white people and it has nothing to do with anyone (“The Democrats”) telling us we have it hard off because we do. No one has to tell you, you have it hard off when you live it daily because of the color of your skin. Also, it’s not about the government fixing the problem it’s about society fixing the problem of which this country was founded on… Racism! If we all truly respected the humanity of all people no matter their race, gender, sexual identity, religious beliefs, etc. we wouldn’t see the great divide that currently exist in this “United” States of America.
Hi, Lena. Thank you very much for your thoughtful response. I would recommend the book “Them” by Senator Ben Sasse. If I’m being honest, a lot of what I talk about here was inspired by this read. While many people are to blame for the divide in our country, I don’t think it can be pointed to one person or one issue. Also, while you’re correct in saying that I cannot relate to the issue of racism, I have also read from several POCs who have given some compelling arguments as to why what you’re saying is a bit more nuanced. Also, I’m a big fan of Kim Klacik who says some very worthwhile things that I don’t feel as though I can express here :). Again, I really appreciate you taking the time to read and comment so thoughtfully!
Hi! I loved reading your post! As someone who is starting my own blog with conservative views/values, I was grateful to see that I am not alone! Keep sharing!