It’s official. I absolutely suck at keeping a schedule during the summer. While I relish in the opportunity to travel, sleep in, and visit my parents, I thrive so much more when my schedule (i.e. when school is back in session) is predictable. When I know that I only have a few hours on a Sunday to write my blog posts for the week, they get written. However, if I have an abundance of hours throughout the week to write, they won’t get done.. Weird? Yes. But I’m sure many of you can relate.
Today I decided to do a little catch up post, and link up with some of my favorite blogs. These questions are geared a bit more to mama bloggers, but I don’t care… I’ll be changing “we” in some of the questions to “I.” Because I can.
What I’m eating this week.
All the freezer meals. With me being so in-and-out this summer, I typically buy frozen things that can be popped in the oven (and won’t spoil when I’m away). These are Trader Joe’s Mini Chicken Tacos (yummmm), and the salsa is homemade from my container garden.
What I’m Reminiscing About…
Yup. Those are knights’ armor you see. Surprise! We went to Scotland last week! This was in the Great Hall of Edinburgh Castle (so cool!) Some of my girlfriends and I crossed the ocean to visit a college pal. Stay tuned. Plenty more on that topic real soon.
What I’m Loving…
All the Shauna Neiquist things. I fa-lew through reading Present Over Perfect (I actually read it twice in a row!), so I ordered Savor
, not realizing it was a devotional and, y’all. 100% sure my oversight in not reading the Amazon fine print was providential. Loving my nightly quiet time with this. Sooooo good. Next up is Bread and Wine: A Love Letter to Life Around the Table with Recipes
What I’ve Been Up To
Yes, friends. That is a gigantic machine in my tiny bathroom. Why? A drain pipe burst before I left, so now I have two of these giants in m condo drying it out. What have I been up to? Praying that my place is dry like, now, so these babies can get the heck out.
What I’m Dreading…
I’m super excited to be getting a new work computer today, but what I’m really not looking forward to is trying got figure out all my passwords that are stored on my old one :-/. #firstworldproblems.
What I’m Working On…
I’m teaching a new class in the fall, and REFUSE to make it boring. This, friends, takes some work… Ahmygosh…
What I’m Excited About…
Finally knocking some things off my Summer Bucket List this weekend!!
What I’m Watching…
I had to make a rule for myself that I’m only allowed to watch Southern Charm when I’m on the treadmill because watching extreme trash needs to have some redeeming qualities.
What I’m Listening To…
I’m more than slightly obsessed with these two podcasts. Hiiiiiighly recommend.
What Else Is New…
Summer’s abundance! I’m loving my weekly visit to the Farmers’ Market so much, I’m considering joining a CSA. Anyone a member? Thoughts??
That’s all for now, folks! Have a great Wednesday!