Pro tip: At the end of every year, ask your Facebook followers which book was their favorite of that year.
You get some AMAZING recommendations.
I’m starting off 2023 on a reading high note and thought I’d share some good ones. Enjoy!
Bomb Shelter
I am a sucker for memoirs and this was no exception. It’s a quick, easy read but also very impactful. I certainly enjoyed it!
The Warsaw Orphan
I constantly ask myself why I ALWAYS read depressing World War II stories and I remind myself that they’re important even if they make me sad. The Warsaw Orphan story starts in the Warsaw Jewish ghetto (something that isn’t often written about) and tells the story of women who put their lives on the line to help Jewish children during the holocaust. Even though it’s historical fiction, it does really get you thinking about some aspects of the holocaust that I, for one, hadn’t thought of before. Highly recommend.
Miracle in the Andes
This story is just nuts. A plane went down in the 1970s in the Andes between Argentina and Chile. All on board were presumed dead so they didn’t search for them. The fact that these people not only survived but… OK, I don’t want to give away too much but holy smokes. Ho-ly smokes. It’s sooooo interesting and fascinating.
My Name is Asher Lev
A loner Orthodox Jewish child with an inclination for visual arts is misunderstood by his father and his community. This book is rich with symbolism and beauty and is sure to be a classic. HIGHLY recommend.
The Maid
As a special educator, I do love when books make characters who have learning differences and disabilities! In this case, a hotel housekeeper (who’s on the spectrum) gets mixed up with the wrong crowd and gets accused of the murder of a high profile guest. The Maid is a charming story that I very much enjoyed.
Lessons in Chemistry
This is a cute novel that was named B&N’s Book of the Year. While I did like it, I would also say that it’s slightly mindless and very predictable.
The Forgotten 500
This book was INSANE and had me talking about it for weeks. If you’re into World War II history, this is a must read. Basically, a bunch of American soldiers got shot down over Yugoslavia and the generosity of the local peasants allowed most of them to not only survive but escape. Also the story was classified for dozens of years, which is nuts and super interesting.
Mean Baby
How much did we all hate Vivian in Legally Blonde? So much, right? Well, it turns out that the actress who played her isn’t half bad AND she’s a fellow midwesterner! Selma Blair has a VERY complex history that is absolutely fascinating to read in this memoir.
What did you read in January and February? Any recommendations you MUST pass along? I would love to hear about them in the comments below 🙂