Five years ago, the matriarch of our family, my (grand)Mama (pronounced “Mumma”) and my favorite person ever left this world for the next. She was, and continues to be, everything to me, and I still miss her immensely. I wrote an extensive reflection on her death HERE, but I don’t want to focus on that today.
To honor her memory, I have compiled a list of things I have learned from her that I continue to have as a part of my life. Her college sorority composite still sits on top of my refrigerator, I wear her ring on my right hand, and I think of her and miss her each and every day.
Always go the extra mile to look pretty. Mama was high maintenance before high maintenance was cool. She always looked beautiful and taught us that looking nice was not only dignifying to you, but also a sign of respect to the people you meet.
TTI! (tuck your tummy in!). Good posture not only exudes confidence, but also is very good for you physiologically. Mama had a bad back, and good posture really helped.
Velveeta Cheese is always OK. Yup, that’s my Midwestern showing. Mama made THE best grilled cheese sandwiches with Velveeta cheese.
Go all out for parties. Even though Mama definitely outsourced a lot of the cooking for her lavish celebrations, she always made for an amazing time. Some of my fondest childhood memories are going over Mama and Papa’s house for Christmas Eve. Here are a few photos from those parties 🙂
Travel. Mama was a travel agent, so she got all kinds of travel perks, which she took full advantage of. She saw so much of the world, and really sparked a love for adventure in me.
It’s always worth it make other people feel good. Mama used to drive us all crazy in her later years, when she would spend ungodly amounts of time fawning over babies or telling strangers how pretty they are. In hindsight, I now see that, even when she would make us late to go out of her way, what a gift she was able to give people!
Invest in friendships. Mama and Papa had a tribe. Like, seriously. The friends that they made back in the 1960s, when they moved to our hometown, they kept until they passed away. The friends of theirs who are still alive are still very much in my family’s life. We even have a few “third generation friends,” who I cherish immensely.

I miss you every day, Mama, but especially today. Pray for us! See you again!!
Happy Friday, friends!