It’s no secret that I’m NUTS for all things holiday. I recently bought three hand carved pumpkins at Homegoods, which are patiently awaiting their debut until fall decor is socially acceptable, which I’m thinking is quite soon. OK, OK, I know what you’re thinking… I’ll show you what they look like….

Also, come September 25ish, my 700 square foot condo WILL look like Halloween threw up in it. This is only a fraction of the extreme obsession and hall decking and fa la la la la that comes the weekend before Thanksgiving, which is when my 700 square foot condo looks like Christmas went on a major bender and projectile vomited all over the darn place.
Also, for the annoying Catholic Christmas puritans out there who say that Christmas doesn’t start until December 25, I know and shut up. I’m half Protestant and this is one area of my life that I openly and passionately embrace that side. For the American Christmas puritans who say that Christmas season doesn’t start until after Thanksgiving, yeah OK I get it, but I like having my tree up when Santa arrives at the Macy’s Day Parade.
ANYWAY, this is a major digression to say that now, yes NOW is a great time to start thinking about Christmas. To put it mildly, many people are full-blown financial idiots when the Birth of our Lordt (not a type-o) is imminent. Is it great to want to shower our loved ones with amazing gifts? Of course, but it doesn’t have to put you in debt. Here I’ll talk about a few strategies to get things rolling so you can celebrate Christmas (or Hanukkah.. hey, Evan!) without thinking about how much is sitting on your credit card.
I will add that the photos I included in this list have absolutely nothing to do with what I’m talking about. I just wanted to reminisce about Christmas and share some photos for no good reason. #sorrynotsorry
Make a list (and check it twice!)

In order to avoid over spending, make a list of who you want to buy for and a few ideas of gifts for them, along with a firm budget. I usually put my list in my email drafts so I have access to it both on my phone and on my computer and can add to it accordingly.
Once everyone who you’re buying for is accounted for, figure out the total that you’ll be spending. If you are already in a good place, awesome. Move your Christmas budget to a mini savings account (PNC Virtual Wallet works well for this) or withdraw it and set the cash aside so you don’t spend it until you’re ready to start Christmas shopping.
Start saving

This sounds obvious, but it amazes me how many people put Christmas presents on a credit card with the intention of paying it off with their tax refunds. First of all, if you get a fat tax refund, adjust your withholdings like NOW because a tax refund is nothing more than an interest-free loan you have given to the government, but that’s a topic for another time (no, seriously, adjust like now).
For me, saving just means a little automatic withdraw from my checking to a mini savings account I keep just for Christmas shopping every time my paycheck hits my account. For you, this can mean the same thing or it can mean taking a little side hustle and stashing everything you make away for Christmas shopping. It can also mean giving up your daily Starbucks habit (with the exception of at least one Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew, sub coconut milk, half sugar because it’s uh-mazing) and putting what you would spend in to savings. There are, of course, other options. I believe in your creativity.
Shop the end of summer sales NOW

This (obvi) is only if you can afford to shop now. The sales that are going on now are some of the best of the entire year, so it’s not a bad idea to take advantage of them. I’m frankly a little irked that the Nordstrom sale that’s happening now is actually a little better than the Anniversary Sale when I and every other gullible consumer was TOLD that it was the best sale of the year… But I digress.
Start Scouring Thrift Shops.

Oh, is that a Judgy McJudgerson I see? Hear me out. If you live in a ritzy area you will, I repeat, you WILL find NWT (that, for the unschooled, means “new with tags”) stuff in your Good Will/Salvation Army/No Name Thrift Store DAILY. If you don’t live in a ritzy area, take a ride to a ritzy area. You obviously won’t find everything you need all in one trip, so if you have time to dig and the patience to keep looking, you can find some great treasures in thrift stores and the gift recipients won’t know the damn difference.
That goes for eBay as well. You can filter your search by specifying that something be NWT or “New With Box” and “Located in the USA” and you’ll find a TON. A lot of times people buy things on final sale and it turns out they don’t need it or it doesn’t fit. And who wins? You do, eBay shopper. You do.
Do you have a tip for preparing for Christmas earlier? I would love to know in the comments! Have a great weekend everyone!
PS- The Arbonne Holiday Line dropped this week and I’m GUSHING! Like, how cute is this little mascara ornament? Riiiight?