It’s November, friends. The days are shorter, there’s a crisp in the air and educators the world over are limping toward Thanksgiving break. Educator or not, I think we can all agree that things are quite busy right now and having a few days off in a few short weeks is going to be very nice.
Today I’m starting a little four-week series for the month of November to express my gratitude for four major blessings in my life. I hope you enjoy.
Friendship is an interesting thing and is something I never take for granted. I know how many people my age struggle to make and keep friends, and I have been blessed abundantly with some really great ones. I hope you don’t keep you friendships for granted either. I volunteer at a homeless shelter once a month and am often struck by the peoples’ stories there. I often wonder how things maybe, might have been different if they had had friends to help them along the way.
For those of you who I talk to daily, thank you. For those of you who have found your way out of my life for whatever reason, thank you for the great times we shared.
Get ready for photo overload, friends… Happy Thursday!