Did you know that November is the traditional month to honor the dead? In Mexico and many other Latin countries, Day of the Dead altars stay up the entire month. Yes, November is also Thanksgiving month so also a time to be grateful, but I love the reminder to honor the dead AND be thankful for their lives.
I’ll also mention that Coco brought the idea of honoring the dead into the mainstream and I kind of love that.
Because there are a lot of dead people in my family (yours too; whether you knew them or not, you have more dead relative than live ones… mind blown), I always try to make an effort to remember them in a special way in November and I thought I’d share some of my tactics.
Display their pictures and tell anyone who will listen stories about them.
I made this little collage that I printed and keep near my desk. My Aunt Arlene died a few weeks ago so she’s a new addition this year. Also in this are all four of my grandparents; my uncles and aunt; some family friends, my great grandmother and my (wait for it..) great-great grandmother, who they called Mama-Nona.

Do one of your dead relative’s favorite activities.
Did your grandmother love to play bridge and you always wondered how? This is a great month to learn! My (grand)Mama was really into crossword puzzles so I always try to make a point of doing at least one in November.
Pray for the original owners of your house or first renters of your apartment.
Most of us don’t live in family houses. I wish I did, but, alas, my little 1985 bachelorette pad is designed for exactly one person to live in. I know the person I bought the place from, but I do not know further back than that. Maybe it was another bachelorette. Maybe it was a widow looking to downsize. Either way, someone who may or may not still be alive lived where I live now so I have a connection to him/her. Whoever it is, I try to make a point to keep them in my prayers during November. I love my little condo and I know someone before me did too!
Make a special recipe that your dead relative made.
Our family oregano bread is a staple for me during the holidays but also often makes an appearance at Thanksgiving. Also (grand)Mama used to make this delicious strawberry pretzel jello stuff and I love to find excuses to make it during November.

Imagine the original owner of your antique mall find. Pray for him or her too!
This might sound weird, but hear me out. Every random thrifted find has a story. Those vintage clip-on earrings were worn by someone. That gorgeous stained glass window was in a long-forgotten house that belonged (most likely) to a family. Everyone who has ever owned items before you, dead or alive, could use a prayer or two in the month of November.

Visit a random headstone and look up the name.
I especially find it meaningful to do this at Arlington Cemetery since Veteran’s Day is also in November. We’ve found people who died in major war battles and people who survived amazing war stories and died at old ages. There is usually a lot of information on veterans online so bring your phone along and do some research. Pray from them too (obviously) but also tell their stories. There are so many interesting ones out there.

If honoring the dead during November is something new to you, I would encourage you to try it this year. Do you have anything special that you do to honor the dead in November that I didn’t mention?