Can you believe y2k can legally drink? I vividly remember the year 2000. My parents had a big party and I had my first taste of champagne, a Dom Perignon. If you wonder why I’m sometimes a bit bougie, you can blame my parents for this one! Anyway, that night my dad thought it would be hilarious to have some fellow troublemakers turn off all the lights when it was midnight. For a split second, we all thought the world was ending..
Anyway, I digress.
I noticed a few years ago how much I love January. It’s cozy, clean, new and exciting. People are filled with anticipation for the year ahead and yet it’s totally socially acceptable to eat chili and stay put on a cold weekend night rather than go out for a night on the town (which isn’t an option right now anyway). It really is so great.
It should come as a surprise to no one that I am a major fan of New Years resolutions and I usually stick to them pretty well. Today I thought I’d share mine not only for accountability but to inspire to to work on your own resolutions!

I always have pretty loft financial goals and this year is no exception. A few years ago, my new years resolution was “work hard, play hard,” and it really ignited in me a passion for travel and working hard for the things I want. It is also always imperative to keep things in perspective, so I always add a charitable goal to each year’s financial goal.
Pay off my car by April 1
I abhor having a car payment and I almost feel like I can’t enjoy my car until it’s all mine. When someone compliments me on it, it’s so tempting to say, “thanks, but it’s the bank’s still.” The interest rate I got it isn’t terrible and it isn’t great. If it was a 0%, I wouldn’t be paying it off early at all but at 4.5%, I need it gone stat. Hate it so much.
Set up monthly donations to my high school and The Fisher House
Giving is such an important aspect of anyone’s financial health and is a complete non-negotiable for me. Giving keeps you grounded and, if it’s not part of your monthly finances, I encourage you to make it a non-negotiable part of your budget. Set it up on autopay on the same day your paycheck hits and you’ll never even miss it… And you’ll be making a difference.
Save like hell for a summer of much travel
If restrictions are lifted, it’s going to be a hell of a summer. Details TBD, but I have some good ideas and destinations in mind.
At the risk of sounding stereotypical, a new year is a great time to start new habits and health/fitness is no exception.
No cheese or fried food Monday through Friday
Yup. Until I did the Arbonne 30 back in 2018, I NEVER thought I could give up cheese for a whole month, let alone as a habit for a whole year (if not more… we’ll see). I also learned that my body absolutely needs carbs and gluten. Fried foods are just terrible and don’t sit well with me, so it’s a good idea to cut them most days of the week. All that being said, I know how much I do enjoy a mozzarella stick from time to time, even if there are consequences. So, by intentionally cutting dairy and fried foods out only five days a week, I’m still creating good habits but I can indulge a bit on the weekends.
Up at 7 daily
This one is hard. I’m not a morning person and desperately wish I was! While I’d love to say that I’ve been waking up and doing a workout, that wouldn’t be altogether honest… But I’ve been getting up and it’s a start!
Probiotics and collagen
While I’ve never really had an issue with taking vitamins, etc., I HATED how expensive these were so it’s taking me a while to fall in to the habit. This year I’m financially prioritizing probiotics (which are amazing for many reasons but are especially great for disease prevention.. just sayin’) and collagen (which is making my skin oh-so supple). I linked the brands that I use, which were both from HOURS of research. They’re the best and I will challenge anyone who says otherwise!

I intentionally don’t talk much about my relationship things here or on social media because I like to keep one aspect of my life private. Also, it doesn’t just involve me and I don’t care to be an open book for both of us. That wouldn’t be fair. Anyway, we do have one resolution together thought…
Weekly date nights
They’re so important and can be so fun. We don’t always make them fancy. Sometimes we do, sometimes it’s a shared jambalaya in the Instant Pot and Unsolved Mysteries reruns, but they’re great and I highly recommend them.
Business/Work Habits
Work another hour or so at night.
Yes, you read correctly and no, I’m not an alcoholic. I’ve found that a willingness to work a bit ahead the night before work makes the mornings so much better. I don’t go to sleep stressed out and can sometimes even enjoy a cup of coffee away from my desk before things get crazy.
Rebrand and monetize
As far as business here on the blog goes, you’re going to see some new content here that I’m very excited about! Stay tuned!
Wishing you a great start to 2021! Go get ’em.
Love this! You’re inspiring me to finish all of mine 🙂
xoxo A