If you have talked to be IRL or follow me on Instagram (@basicbrittblog, also my Peloton leaderboard name), you know that I am a very stereotypical Peloton owner in that I loooove mine and rarely shut up about it.
It’s crazy how connected I feel when I’m working out alone. When I was home for Christmas I was using my sister’s bike and was so excited when a good friend joined the class I was in! We virtually high-fived each other and worked like crazy in the class. It’s very motivating having pals in class with you!
Today I thought I’d share my five favorites now that I’m officially a Century Rider #IYKYK. 100 classes in since August, and these are my five favorites!
30 Minute Wicked Ride with Leanne Hainsby (Thursday, 01/21/21 @ 1:30 PM EST)

I’ll be honest–this class was what inspired this post because I absolutely, positively adored this class. My sister had taken it and recommended it to me. I loved Wicked music when it first came out and this class completely resurrected my love for it again! Seriously–I’ve been listening to it nonstop ever since! If you take this class and are feeling ambitious afterword, I HIGHLY recommend Matty’s Wicked-themed full body workout on the app afterword. I actually teared up during it because he was all nostalgic about Broadway.. Sigh, I can’t wait for the curtains to open back up again!
20 Minute Broadway Ride with Robin Arzon (Wednesday, 08/26/20 @5:00PM)

Let’s talk about Robin for a moment, shall we? Unless she’s putting off the most impressive persona ever, she is the sweetest, most encouraging person ever. I always feel like a million bucks after her classes (another favorite of mine was her Holiday Ride this year), but this Broadway class was especially memorable. When “Out Tonight” from Rent came on? My gosh, I loved every second of it. Plus Robin’s commentary about that song made me laugh out loud. Great class. Highly recommend.
20 Minute HIIT Ride with Jess King (Wednesday, 11/25/20 @2:00 PM EST)

Now, you’re never going to hear me complain about a hard class because hard is good. But, phew, I took this class weeks ago and it’s still with me. This class is HARD (I would definitely rate is more like a 9 as opposed to the overall rating of 7.9). Jess King is another super encouraging instructor, which is always great!
45 Minute Classic Rock Ride with Denis Morton (Tuesday, 10/06/20 @5:00 PM EST)

I rarely do 45 minute classes (who has time for that?.. Plus I like to add a strength class afterword…) but I do love classic rock and Denis is dreamy. I was singing to this playlist for days. I meeeean….

Janis Joplin, The Who AND The Doobie Brothers in one convenient 45 minute class? YES please!
30 Minute Britney Spears Ride with Cody Rigsby (Wednesday, 07/15/20 @7:30 PM EST)

Last but certainly not least is a Cody Rigsby ride (who’s my favorite instructor, hands down) doing HIS favorite ride, a Britney Spears-themed ride. It was the perfect level of spice and difficulty for me and I’m pretty sure I do this class roughly once a month.
Are you a Pelotoner? Add me as a leaderboard friend- BasicBrittBlog! Thinking about joining the cult? DO IT! I’m happy to answer any questions you have below. Happy new week, friends!