Do you ever have an experience of reading something (or watching something, for that matter) that you simply are DYING to tell people about? I tend to be that way when I read something amazing, and I’m not sorry about it. When I read a book I love and you are not a reader, steer clear of me, because I’ll be chirping about it for weeks.
Now that we’re in the New Year and people are motivated to make life changes, I thought I’d compile a list of books that I found completely life-altering. There are ALL amazing and only a few of them have I read only once.. They’re the type that you’ll underline, take notes on, journal about.. So. Darn. Good. So, without further adieu, allow me to share my favorites.
Total Money Makeover: I canNOT say enough positive things about this book, and I wish I had read it sooner. Dave Ramsey operates on a completely common-sense point of view, and is delightfully blunt and honest when it comes to operating personal finances. Truth is, you don’t have to be bringing in millions of dollars a year to be financially stable.. In fact, many people who bring in that much are not financially stable. I loved everything about this book and would recommend it to anyone, no matter their state of life.
Boundaries: I know my friend who recommended this book to me is laughing as she reads this because I was vehemently opposed to reading it. WELL, I’ve read it now probably five times and will probably continue to read it over again. Boundaries basically says that you can’t pour from an empty cup. Many Christian women, especially, think that saying no to what people ask of them is uncharitable. This book taught me that the opposite is true. Who doesn’t know a Yes Girl who’s totally exhausted? Are you one of them?
iGen and Generation Me: I put these together because they’re by the same author on similar topics. The only difference is that iGen is about the generation that’s currently in high school and college, and Generation Me is about millennials. I personally found both books extremely enlightening. Generation Me was very insightful on my own generation and really improved my work ethic and self-entitlement mentality… And it made me a bit judgmental toward those who maybe are still a bit self-absorbed. iGen really helped me understand my students better. The iGen will be joining the work force in years to come, so it’s definitely worth the read for anyone who works with entry-level employees! (I’ll also add Untangled to this.. It’s specifically about girls, is more about their developmental psychology, and is fantastic)
Chasing Slow: I will read this book at least a dozen more times because it is chock-full of information on being very intentional about life. Written by a former HGTV star who gave it all up to live life in a more authentic way, you will be left with the question, “What am I doing?” (I’ll also add The Best Yes, Present Over Perfect and Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less to this as well.. Other great books on a similar topic)
Better Than Before: Ah, Gretchen Rubin. She also happens to be one of my favorite podcast hosts. She just seems so chipper and fun. Anyway, Better Than Before is about creating life-changing and desirable habits, and eradicating un-desireable habits. This has helped me understand why I could never stick to things like doing strength training. I’m a “Questioner” and never found it to truly help.
In Defense of Food: If you get me in a room for more than ten minutes, odds are I will mention Michael Pollen. The man is an absolute genius. He also did the Cooked Netflix series, which I’ve watched several times. In Defense of Food encourages us to eat.. well, food. A lot of what is consumed in America is so far from “food.” It’s so processed that it loses its identity. I now go to my local farmer’s market every week, try really hard to get locally-sourced and ethically-grown meat and eggs, and have become a huge fan of artisan cheeses. Pollen proposes a whole new kind of eating, and it’s made my life so much better.
There you have it, book worms. Here’s to a happy, healthy and balanced 2018!
I need the Dave Ramsey book! I have heard great things about it!
It is fantastic!!