Even though things are moving a bit more slowly than any of us would have expected, many are heading back to the regular grind in the next few weeks.
Covid was a weird time, to say the least. Around the clock work from home life took a toll on me, and I’m happy to be heading back to something in-person.
Which reminds me–I have a little life update. Since launching Higdon Literacy Solutions, I have been (blissfully) overwhelmed with requests for consulting services. I booked a half-time in-person gig on the Virginia side.
I thought I’d take this opportunity to share what I’ve been doing to transition back to in-person work in the hopes that you’ll find it helpful too!
Keep Holy the Sabbath

I know I don’t talk about religion a ton here, but there is something so human about using a day to relax and recharge. For me, that means going to Mass with my love and having brunch with him afterwords. For you, that can mean being intentional about having a picnic with friends or spending an hour in gratitude. Whatever it is, make it a relaxing routine that doesn’t happen on the other days.
Allot a few hours on Sunday to get ready for the week.

When I was teaching before, I was in the routine of always being home on Sunday evenings to get everything ready for the week and I plan on implementing that again. Even if I’m out of town, I must be home by 6 PM to settle down from the weekend and get ready for the week. In fact, a friend STILL makes fun of me for leaving a NYC trip early because “I needed to go make soup.” #sorrynotsorry
Plan Your Outfits for the Week

I recently invested in a clothes rack that is exclusively for professional clothes. Each outfit is planned (top, bottom, accessories and unmentionables) and on the rack together. Trust me when I say that this makes a world of difference!
Meal Plan

I’ll do a whole blog post on this soon, but meal planning is a game changer. If you know you have a busy week coming up (and can afford it), maybe your meal plan is a few carry outs a week. There is no reason to go overboard with this, but knowing what’s coming for the week’s food is super helpful with rhythm of the week.
Be Intentional About Working Out

I don’t know about you, but I’m more likely to get on a good workout routine when I’m busy. It sounds counterintuitive, but busy equals productivity to me. I usually use Friday afternoons to plan my Peloton workouts (both cardio and strength) for the following week, making sure I have a good mix of upper body, lower body and core. I’m way less likely to flake on a workout when I know it’s part of a bigger plan… Plus, let’s be real, I still need to get that Covid weight off!
Here’s an example week:
Monday: 20 minute HIIT ride, 20 minute legs and glutes
Tuesday: 30 minute 80s ride, 10 minute arms and shoulders
Wednesday: 20 minute endurance ride, 20 minute legs and glutes
Thursday: 30 minute Tabata ride, 10 minute arms and shoulders.
Friday: 45 minute low impact ride
Saturday: 20 minute endurance ride, 20 full body.
Sunday: Rest
If you’re the type of person who thrives on busy like I do, welcome back! I hope the new routine is lovely and that you’re as excited as I am.