No matter how you slice it, 2020 has not been a great year for a lot of people and it continues going in to the holidays. For the past few years, Jim and I have had quiet Thanksgivings here in the DC area. Last year my sister was in labor Wednesday night and had my nephew on Thanksgiving so we anxiously awaited his arrival here. Growing up, my grandparents were snowbirds and spent the entire month of November in Florida. We occasionally did the traditional turkey dinner with friends, but more often we went on trips for Thanksgiving. We did the Macy’s Day Parade one year, Vegas another… I’m only saying this to give you a bit of background. Even though I look cooking and baking, I’m not a major Thanksgiving person and I feel for people who are. While this year is going to look different, that doesn’t mean that it has to suck.
Cook/Bake Something Decadent
Maybe you’re only cooking for one this year but still want the flavors of Thanksgivings past. Make it! You can still get a turkey breast (white meat is the best anyway, right?!). Mash some potatoes. Make a mini delicious mini pie. Sure, you’ll have leftovers but not being at home is no reason to not enjoy the meal.
If you’re not really a Thanksgiving person, maybe the break from work is a great time to try out a recipe that you’ve been jones-ing over. Here are a few that I’ve been wanting to try:
- Cheesecake Factory Copycat Spicy Chicken Chipotle Pasta
- Curried Chicken
- Chicken Pot Pie
- Peanut butter brownies
- Avalanche bars
Lindsay worry about Lindsay. Theresa worry about Theresa. Natalie worry about Natalie.
I used my college roommates’ names here because they’re definitely not busybodies and I needed names to use here.
Mind you own damn business.
Does that sound too blunt? Maybe, but you’ll have a much better outlook on life if you only worry about yourself. When it comes to Coronavirus, people have different tolerances for what they’re comfortable with and no amount of social media shaming, passive aggressive texts or gossiping is going to change that. I’ve seen people get SO worked up over what other people are doing that they’ve totally eradicated their own joy. Don’t let that happen to you. Worry about yourself.

Do something that you “don’t have time for” that you love.
I’ve recently gotten in to needlepoint and love it.. I also enjoy reading and it’s the first thing to get sequestered when things get busy. Maybe you like knitting or sewing. What about a long, chilly walk? When you have time off work, the “I don’t have time” excuse falls away. It’s time to do you.
If you’re like me, you’re working from home these days and are always “plugged.” I usually don’t mind it, but sometimes need a break. Delete your work email from you phone (you can easily put it back on Monday!). Power down your laptop (don’t just put it to sleep). Chill out. There’s nothing in there that can’t wait until Monday.
Watch a childhood favorite.
We have a little tradition in my family to watch White Christmas after Thanksgiving dinner (or, when traveling, some time during Thanksgiving weekend). When my BIL watched it with us for the first time, he made the egregious mistake of misquoting, “Mutual, I’m suuuure,” and we still haven’t let him live it down. Do you have a childhood favorite? If not, feel free to borrow mine and you’ll be counting your blessings instead of sheep all holiday season. #IYKYK
Happy Thanksgiving, friends! I hope you enjoy a relaxing break. If you’re alone, I see you. Good times are just around the corner, so keep reminding yourself of that. Instead of a Thursday post this week, I’ll be back on Friday for a post about Small Business Saturday. I hope you’ll join me :).