Let’s just say that I’m going a little bonkers. I love love LOVE celebrations of every kind and go all out for just about all of them. By the time you’re reading this, I will most likely be wearing the embroidered blouse I bought in San Antonio, trying to come to terms with the fact that no, I won’t be going to my friend’s annual fiesta this year.
From what I understand, Cinco de Mayo is perhaps not *quite* as much of a celebration in Mexico as it is here. Many people think it’s the Mexican equivalent of 4th of July, and, aside from the name similarities, that’s not true; It’s just a commemoration of an unlikely victory at Puebla that Mexico had over France in 1862. If you’re in to history, THIS explains how the Battle of Puebla actually has a major tie-in to the American Civil War and is super interesting.
Even though we’re, yes, still stuck in social distancing (God-willing, this’ll be over soon), I hope you can take some time to celebrate with some tips I compiled below. Happy Cinco de Mayo!!
Start your day with breakfast tacos

My life was forever changed when I discovered the wonderful world of breakfast tacos when visiting Texas for the first time. I never knew that tortillas could be part of breakfast and, well, I haven’t looked back since discovering that. Major, major yum. Recipe HERE.
Decorate your space with tissue paper flowers
Because, why not give your space a colorful look? And, let’s be honest, it’s going to be a while before you’re going to use all that tissue paper you have in your closet anyway.
Wear something colorful
If you’re like me, your daily uniform has been some version of an oversized shirt and black leggings. It’s a colorful day. Dress the part.
I posted on Instagram a while ago that I keep these parrot earrings where I can see them to remind me of good times to come because I think we can all agree that you absolutely, positively, cannot not have fun when you’re wearing parrot earrings.

Learn some Spanish
If you’re anything like me, the Spanish you learned in school didn’t really stick.. And you kind of resent that you didn’t take it more seriously. Join me in learning a few phrases today 🙂
Perfect your guacamole recipe
I visited my friends in NYC several years ago when they were side-gigging at Dos Caminos. “Dos” has the best guac in my opinion, and this is pretty darn close to how they make it there. If you don’t have a molcajete, a mortar and pestle will work just fine.
Order from takeout from a local Mexican restaurant.
Of all of the takeout food genres, I would say that pizza and Mexican food travel the best, still making it delicious at home.
In all seriousness, restaurants have been absolutely slaughtered throughout this crisis, so if you can do your part to help them, order away!
My favorites in the DC area?

Make some delicious margaritas
At least here in DC, you can order margaritas to go when you order delivery, which is pretty cool. If you’re feeling creative, though, try your hand at making some fun ones. Here’s what’s on my docket…
- Healthy Homemade Jalapeno Margaritas
- Classic Margarita
- Chili Lime Mango Margaritas
- Coconut Lime Margaritas

Fry up some churros
I love anything cinnamon and churros are no exception. These would be lovely (easy-ish recipe HERE or there’s always Costco or Taco Bell’s “cinnamon sticks”) to end the night while you….

Watch a movie set in Mexico
End your Cinco de Mayo by watching a movie with a Mexican theme because, well, why not? I compiled a list of some good ones to cap off a lovely Cinco de Mayo Taco Tuesday.
Three Amigos
Nacho Libre
Dallas Buyer Club