To say that last weekend was as perfect as it comes would be an understatement. Everything from the chill Thanksgiving morning, complete with the Macy’s Parade, cinnamon rolls and cozy blankets to shopping the sales on Friday and Saturday was amazing. I am still basking in the perfection of this time off with my love.
On Sunday, Jim and I had intentions of doing a hike in the Shenandoah, but made a game time decision to stay closer to D.C. and “hike” the Bull Run Battlefield instead. And. It. Was. Perfect. Bull Run is much smaller than, say, Gettysburg, but the history is still so cool and interesting. Plus, it doesn’t cost anything and the plaques that don the battlefield make for an educational experience as well!
After our awesome, hilly hike, we drove less than a mile to the Winery at Bull Run. I was so pleasantly surprised at the grounds of this winery! It is GORGEOUS!!! I have found that the wineries that are close to D.C. tend to be way too commercialized, which does not impress me at all. The Winery at Bull Run was very pretty and has an interesting history. It’s build on the grounds of the former Hillwood Mansion, where people would come to picnic during the Bull Run Battles (?!?!). Yes, you read that correct. People would PICNIC and watch the battles during the Civil War. While we may be able to agree that the present-day regard for human life leaves a lot to be desired…. Watching people slaughter each other as a form of entertainment? I’m glad those days are over, at least in this country.
As far as their wine goes, there are some good ones, but I still think they have a way to go before they can rival the wines of Rappahhannock, DuCard, and Sharp Rock. I did, however, like their Delaney white for a light sip :). The Winery at Bull Run is still relatively new, so I’m confident they’ll be awesome in a few years when they can use their own grapes. Oh, and they had live music, which totally enhanced the experience.
Have a great weekend, D.C.!!!