For as much as I hate to take advice from Dr Oz, I had to give his little soapbox about the dangers of plastics a tiiiiiny listen. Long story short it’s not only Dr. Oz who preaches about how consuming anything from plastic will probably give you cancer, PMS, headaches, root canals, athlete’s foot, warts, bunions, hair loss, and toe nail fungus.. It’s just about everyone. Not only doth thou NOT consume anything from plastic, but thou shalt NOT look at it, smell it, touch it, or, worst of all, listen to it (I’m 99% sure my fake formal English ain’t right, but hopefully you know what I mean). Anyway, all that to say that I still stand by the fact that it’s probably all a bunch of boloney, buuut just in case it’s not, one of my new year’s resolutions for 2017 was to eliminate plastic from my daily life.
For my “sendoff” from my past job, many people playfully made fun of the fact that I always have a beverage in hand.. Definitely true. The first one I drink every morning is (obviously) coffee, followed immediately by a smoothie, and water is thrown in there constantly throughout the day.*
Anyway, I love my smoothies because, I’ll be honest, I’m really bad about eating fruit throughout the day. Now, there have been many debates about pureed fruit causing diabetes and cancer and tennis elbow, but I’m willing to take the risk. Santa brought me a Vitamix last Christmas, which makes a much bigger bulk, saving be un poco time. So, here we go:
(sorry this photo is not edited.. I just got back from Disney World, and am very tired)
*side note: if the healthy gods start to put the kabash on stainless steel, I WILL dehydrate. My knockoff gold S’well I bought from Nordy Rack before I boycotted them (which is, for the record, probably very very temporary. Mama needs her 14th and Union) for being jerks about Ivanka is my saving grace.
So, OK, I found that buying frozen fruit in bulk from Costco saves a TON of money, and making the smoothies in bulk saves a ton of time.. The freezer is your friend! Here is what you buy from Costco:
- Frozen Organic Berry Supreme
- Frozen Chopped Spinach
- Frozen Diced Pineapple
- Chia Seeds
- Sambazan Acai Berry Juice
Add 2-3 bananas, blend it all up, mason jar ’em.. I’m pretty sure we’re not quite supposed to put stuff in the freezer in glass, but I’m willing to take the risk.. I usually make a few weeks’ worth, and freeze the ones I’m not using that week. The ones I am using come with me to work on Monday and live in my mini fridge. That way I have a little visual of how many days I have left in the week. It’s very a’la Advent Calendar.
I should also perhaps note that the smoothies are not pretty at all. The variety of colors pre-blending make for a grody gray after blending. Be prepared for people to ask if you’re drinking swamp water. Own it. These babies are delicious.