Last week completely and utterly sucked. I was sick, missed three days of work (which drives me bonkers) and was having an all-out pity party.
The most exciting parts of my day were when Door Dash brought me Chick Fil A and when the mail arrived.
I love getting the mail.
Always have. During Covid, I made it a point to send a few cards a week and it was a great, old fashioned way to keep in touch. I think social media has ruined old fashioned correspondence in so many ways. Why would you send someone a Christmas card with your kids’ faces on it when they can just look at your Instagram?
Because it’s nice, that’s why.
As I work through our list, I’m reminded to send cards to people I don’t talk to often. It also is a great way to keep my address list updated with anyone’s new houses, new names, etc.
Sending Christmas cards doesn’t have to be *that* expensive.
I actually got five boxes of 25 cards for $1 each and used those! Bargain places like Marc’s (if you’re in Ohio) or Ollie’s usually have a ton for insanely low prices. I printed wallet sized photos of the dogs (because I’m proudly a weirdo dog mom) and glued them into the cards. Is it more time consuming than just ordering something off of Minted? Yes, but it’s also around 17¢ per card as opposed to a few dollars in some cases. When you add postage, you’re looking at 77¢ total, which is a small price to pay for sending someone a fun greeting.
I can help you stay connected with clients.
I also have corporate cards that I love sending to clients (both individual and school). The nature of my work is such that we’re not *always* working with every single client at every single moment. Christmas cards are a great way to keep in touch and show former and current clients that we’re thinking of them!

This is a not-so subtle way for me to ask you to send me a card…
So, friends, if you send cards (or if this convinced you to send them), know that if you send me yours, it’ll be proudly displayed on my garland.
Send Christmas cards. It’s a fun way to stay in touch and is time and money well spent!