I’m going to go against the Matthew Chapter 6 sermon and tell my left hand what my right is doing… Or something like that. Friends, I gave up social media for Lent (and possibly longer) and my life has never been better. OK, I’m bein hyperbolic but giving up social media has been huge for me and I’m loving it.
It was a few months ago that I realized that I am severely addicted to my phone. I often coach parents on decreasing screen time and it was apparent that I was not at ALL practicing what I was preaching. So, I turned my phone to greyscale M-F and set limits on certain apps. It helped a lot, but not quite enough to where I didn’t feel tethered to it.
So, a few days before the start of Lent, I took the plunge. I deactivated my Facebook and Instagram but allowed myself to keep Pinterest. I actually don’t find Pinterest addicting at all, despite its efforts to lure me in.
Anyway, it has been such an eye-opener that I thought I’d share my joys from it.
I missed out on gossip… And that’s OK
My darling alma mater had a bit of a scandal a few months ago.. And by a bit, I mean it was quite huge. I’ll spare you the details, but I heard from friends that Facebook alumni groups lost their ever-loving minds over it. Being a small town girl of sorts, I did get a twinge of FOMO from learning about the chittering that I was missing out on, but I know how much I would have relished in it and I know in my heart of hearts that it’s better that I not engage.
I have a TON more time during the day. Like, a ton.
I recently reinstated the use of a paper planner and always have very ambitious to-do lists. When I was on social, it was rare that I would get everything knocked off… Now it’s ALWAYS getting done. The session notes I write for clients take a while, as does invoicing… And I’m always on top of it. It’s great! In fact, I’m actually finding time for relaxing activities like going on walks outside, baking and needlepoint like the 90-year-old I am.
I realize that there were, in fact, people on my feed that I only follow to troll.
This is not necessarily something I’m proud of but, let’s be real, there are some people out there that we just love to hate. Whether it’s some annoying girl I knew personally or some influencer who’s constantly posting crying videos or virtue signaling, it’s really nice now that I have no way to pay attention to them.
Plus it’s not a Christian thing to do, like bragging about my Lenten sacrifice ;).
The comparison game is over… Kind of.
I’ve never understood people who get all depressed after their social scrolls because of all the good things other people have… until my friends started buying houses. Ohhhh lord, the square footage you can get in Northern Ohio makes me green with envy! I’ve written about my friends’ good fortunes here before and I am truly, genuinely happy for them. They worked hard and they deserve it! But why, oh why, did I land in such an expensive area?
Anyway, now that I’m off social media, it’s less in my face.
I’m not constantly having to think of what to post next.
Being a business owner, I know I really *should* post more than I do, and I think I will get back to it one of these days. However, it’s nice taking a little break and not worrying about it for now. In fact, I’ve actually started to think about a real social media strategy that I’ll be doing once I’m back and I’m excited about it!
Social media caused me to spend a LOT of money.
When I checked my bank account a few weeks ago, it was the first time in a long time that I had a surplus that I was not expecting… Where did this come from, you ask? I suspect that it might have to do with not jumping on every #SALEALERT post I see. While I’m pretty good at resisting spending temptation under normal circumstances, I’m a sucker for a good ol’fashioned deal.
Have you ever done a social media hiatus? Do you agree that it’s worthwhile? I never thought I’d love it this much and now I’m screaming its merits from the rooftops!