Posted on: March 24, 2020 Posted by: Brittany H Comments: 0
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Today I am pleased to present a guest post from my dear friend, Caitlin. She and I met years ago at a church thing and immediately clicked. She’s one of those people that immediately makes people feel so welcome and I can’t say enough positive things about her. She’s also a fantastic writer so I didn’t have to edit this ;). I hope you enjoy her post today! Take it away, Caitlin!

You have a job, friends, you go to the gym (sometimes) – heck, you even take a vacation once in awhile. You’re fine. Why, then, would you ever consider getting a life coach? I mean, isn’t that for people who need help with their lives?

Well, sort of.

Yes, coaching does fit within the definition of a “helping profession”, but coaches work with anyone who want more out of life. I was a skeptic at first too. “Can’t I just set my own goals and then work towards them with a little help from a to-do list app?” The answer is, well yes, being organized about goals definitely helps, but a coach brings things to the table that just aren’t as effective doing solo.

A coach brings:

Non-judgemental awareness

They listen to what you have to say, not to judge it as “great!” or “not good enough” but to help you see the reality of where you’re at and where you want to be.


It’s amazing what talking to an intuitive coach can show you about what you really want out of life. I’ve had clients come in to be coached about one thing (like finding a new career) and, within a few weeks, discover that what they really want to work towards are creative goals or becoming a leader in their field. 


You have the capacity for greatness. This greatness will be unique to you and your gifts and talents. With a coach you’ll explore how you show up in the world and what you want your life to look like next year or in 5 years or in 20. How often have you taken the time to really dream big?

Tools to make things happen

Here’s the thing. We’ve all thought of things we would like to do ‘someday’. Write a book. Make a move for a leadership position at work. Start a side hustle. Build our self confidence. Develop an underutilized talent. Coaches work with clients on a weekly basis to help you move forward. I’ve been amazed at what people I’ve worked with have done – started a modeling career, began an international online platform, negotiated a new job entirely on their own terms, put their creative work out into the world, and so much more.


Like I said, you can move towards some goals on your own, but will you? By investing time and money into a coach, you will want to show up each week having moved forward. By creating the space and commitment to be coached, you’ll find the time and energy to start making things happen.

You may have all you want out of life right now. And that is definitely fine – it’s a good thing! But if you have that nagging thought in the back of your head that you may want to explore something new, to express new facets of your personality and gifts, I highly recommend coaching. And yes, I’m biased because I’m a coach myself. But, I’m a coach because I saw what coaching did for my life and for others’. I went from being ‘fine’ in a successful career and with a great family, to digging deeper and creating the life I want to live.

Interested to find out if coaching is a good fit for you? I offer free 15 minute consults. It’s a chance for me to find out what you might want to explore in coaching and for you to find out more what working with me looks like. Find out more about my coaching at or drop me a line to get a free consult at

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