One thing you must know about me is that I’m a Christmas FREAK. I love everything about it. The decorations, the parties, the lights, the cookies, the movies, gift giving… And, the Incarnation too, obvi. When it comes to Christmas, not a stone goes unturned for me. I blame my mother.
A common bad habit I have at Christmas, though, is the tendency to completely blow my budget when it comes to gift giving. I’ll talk more in detail about this on Thursday, but the short version is this–I used to start my Christmas shopping too early and then I’d keep tacking stuff on and poof! … more money out the window
To get on the right side of Christmas/Hanukkah financially, I thought I’d compile a list of actually legit things you can do to to earn a bit extra leading up to the big day. I purposely didn’t include some gimicky things that I constantly see on Pinterest like doing surveys, transcribing and all that stuff because frankly, I don’t think those types of things are worth you time. Many pay like $2 an hour. An no, that’s not a type-o.
I’ll also make a very important note here–If you’re a professional and are struggling financially, no work is below you. Of course, you want to make as much as you can when you’re earning extra, but the whole idea of, “I could never do ____ because I have a law degree.” Uh uh. If you want to earn extra, put the thought out of your head.
Anyway, I hope you find this helpful!
Before you roll your eyes and start scrolling, hear me out. Babysitting can be insanely lucrative and super easy, especially if you’re a grown adult. The going rate is $20/hour or more in many parts of the country and often it entails that you watch independent kids who require very little. To find jobs, join any and all Facebook moms group and post that you’re available. Also mention that you’ve been super careful with Covid (if you have been…) and you’ll be well on your way to earn a pretty penny.
Part time retail
I actually *almost* considered picking up like, 4 hours a week at the Lilly Pulitzer store near me for the holiday season. Fun fact, they give their employees 80% off whaaaatttt.
Anyway, stores are going to be hiring seasonal work in the upcoming weeks and come with the added bonus of employee discounts for presents. Win win.
Do gig work.
You’ve heard me talk about this before–it’s not my favorite. But, if you need to earn a quick buck, gig work is the way to go. Uber, Uber Eats, PostMates, etc. all require a few weeks’ clearance before you can start making money, so it might make sense to sign up now just in case.
Take down Halloween/Put Up Christmas Decorations
People are stressed right now. If you’re willing to do manual labor and make someone’s house sparkle for the season, I’m positive people will be willing to pay for it. Facebook Moms’ Groups, word of mouth, neighborhood list serves and the Next Door app are great places to find customers. Read THIS for more details.
Clean or Do Yard Work
‘Tis the season to get stuff looking spiffy and you’re there to help. Advertise in the ways I already mentioned… I promise you’ll find plenty of people who are all too happy to pay you for your services.